Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Transcendental Metamorphic Intercontinental Interactive Experience

Edgar had received the invitation for the performance art piece that was billed as a “Transcendental Metamorphic Intercontinental Interactive Experience.” He had no idea what any of that meant or any of the art speak that followed, but he still loved just going to the museum.

When he arrived, he was apparently at just the right position in line for a special participatory experience. He was seated in a chair, told to put a weird looking thing on his head, and insructed to stay still until told to do otherwise.

What happened next nearly blew his mind. The paintings on the wall phased in and out, as if he was teleporting from museum to museum. But he wasn’t -- he was shifting from body to body at other versions of this performance art exhibit throughout the globe. When he was finally told he could stand to make way for the next participant, he realized the long gown and high heels he wore.

He protested. This wasn’t his body! This was a woman’s body! They certainly couldn’t leave him stuck like this.

The museum employee ushering other participants simply smiled and explained that was exactly the way this performance art piece worked.

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