Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Getting bitten by a spider was probably pretty common, but developing powers from it was straight from the comic books. When this first happened to Kurt, he thought it seemed pretty cool. Though his initial power seemed to be just jumping really high.

As he went off to college, more powers developed, and more changes came with it. As he devloped the power to make webs, his body clearly became more and more feminine. He figured it made sense, female spiders were the ones who spun webs, after all. Plus, now despite clearly being female, he was powerful enough to actually fight crime. He bought a “Spider-Girl” costume from the Halloween store, and he actually set about being a superhero.

But visiting home from college proved to be difficult. While no one at his liberal college blinked an eye at his gender transformation, his conservative parents were far from understanding. They assumed that the college had done something to him. He wanted to explain the truth to them, but he didn’t want to reveal his secret identity (and he wasn’t sure they would listen anyway). Soon enough, they kicked him out of the house and told him he’d have to pay for college on his own...

It wasn’t going to stop him though; he knew what he was now: a hero. Oh, and also a woman.

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