Monday, March 3, 2025


Archie’s mind was having a hard time wrapping his head around what was happening. It was obvious that he was suddenly a woman, but this wasn’t his office -- and judging from the language on the walls, this wasn’t even his country. He began to run through the halls. At first he was just looking for someone...anyone! But when he finally found people, they just pointed at him and laughed before saying things in a language he didn’t understand. They didn’t sound like nice things.

Whoever’s body he was now in, she wasn’t particularly liked in this office. Maybe she was a mean boss, maybe she was the butt of all the office jokes, or maybe they just looked down on women -- it’s not like anyone seemed willing or able to answer his questions. And the more people laughed, the more he ran, hoping to find some answers or at least a friendly face.

But there didn’t seem to be anybody. At least not in this office. He just wanted to be able to talk to someone about suddenly becoming a woman!

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