Wednesday, March 5, 2025


“Linjin! Come on! You’ve been staring at yourself in that mirror for 20 minutes now!” The Chinese woman woman standing behind Leo exclaimed. He could see her smiling face off to the side when he glanced over, but he was more interested in his own reflection.

Because it wasn’t his own reflection.

Instead of the rural country white boy he was used to seeing, he saw a beautiful Asian woman. When he looked down, he was clearly wearing her clothing -- despite seemingly still having a very male body when looking down. It also seemed that no matter how he saw himself, the entire world was reacting as if he appeared how he did in the mirror, as this Asian woman named Linjin. He even seemed to have her friends and family now; he was living her life.

“Come on, Qingjin, your sister can’t help but be a narcissist!” This time it was the Asian man off the side of his other shoulder speaking, “It’s just who she is. I mean, who wears a qipao to a carnival? Surely, you must have expected and planned for her to spend hours at the Hall of Mirrors?”

“Ignore my boyfriend, Sis. He’s just jealous because I’m still living with you while he saves up for a ring to put on my finger! But, come on, let’s go have some more fun!”

Now knowing what else to do, Leo finally broke his gaze and decided to explore the rest of the carnival with this woman -- who was supposedly his sister -- and her boyfriend. It could be an interesting life.

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