Tuesday, March 4, 2025


“And thus utilizing the technology, we were able to implant the brain of Female Subject #119 into the body of Male Subject #89. Meanwhile #89’s brain is now in the body of Female Subject #135.”

It was hard not to be completed riveted by the topic. A full body transplant? And with such minimally invasive tech? It seemed impossible. Yet questions remained.

“What happened to #135’s brain? What happened to #119’s body?” Asked on man in attendance.

“They are...” The presenter paused, “Well taken care of.” He didn’t want to confess that he WAS inside #119’s body. It was a part of the chain that the researchers didn’t want to talk about, as they had used themselves as test subjects. It had certainly been an ethical lapse -- especially as the motivations behind using their own brains and bodies had often been less than scientific, and many had regrets. They also failed to tell any of the investors that everyone would be stuck in their current bodies if they failed to raise this round of funding. Of course, they hoped despite these small details being omitted, they could still secure what was needed to move forward...

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