Friday, March 21, 2025

Historical Shift

Scientists were leaving no stone unturned as they attempted to undo the effects of the Great Shift, experimenting with advanced tehcniques in quantum physics and spacetime relativeity to achieve their goals. What they didn’t realize was that their efforts were leeching pieces of the Shift into the past.

They had no way to know how they were changing the past, as they had already become true in the future. In fact, numerous random body swaps from the past had already been taken into account in the scientists’ work. While most were between two random and relatively unknown people, there were some notable ones.

There had been, of course, a lot of research into Abe Lincoln’s body swap in the midst of the Civil War. Though the scientists looked at significant historical record at the time, they had very little evidence that traced it back to their own work. Most of the time, it was dead ends and the occasional cracking of a “Babe Lincoln” joke. They remained completely oblivious that they were the ones responsible.

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