Friday, March 14, 2025

Empty Husk

Finding himself in a cubicle and inside the wrong body, Jude was immediately in a panic. Another person could clearly sense something was wrong and asked, “Is everything alright Naomi?”

Jude guessed that must be the name of this body, Naomi. He wasn’t just in the wrong body; he was in a woman’s body! Considering the heels and the skirt, he wondered why he hadn’t noticed any earlier, but maybe his mind was still reeling with the fact that he was in the wrong body at all.

“I think I just need some fresh air,” He said to the coworker and began wandering around to look for the elevator. Getting to the lobby was a huge relief. He knew this building. It’s where he had been right before this all happened.

Jude found his original body without much difficulty. It was mostly where he had been, but stumped on the ground instead of standing. It was still breathing, but it was also unresponsive. He tried waking it, but it was like his former body was an empty husk with no soul -- which actually made sense considering he was now controlling Naomi’s body. But where had her soul gone? And what was he going to do with his original body?

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