Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bao Bao

“It’s been a week since we swapped bodies, Mom. You can’t keep doing everything,” Jin said reluctantly, “You’ve been attending my college classes as well as doing all the cooking and cleaning around the house. I guess it’s time I start pulling my weight.”

“But my little Bao Bao,” Jin’s mother replied, “You are a horrible cook, and you can’t even clean your own room. How do you expect to maintain the entire house.”

“Please stop calling me that! It was embarrassing enough in my 18 year old body, but now that I’m in your 50 year old one, it just feels weird! As for your responsibilities around here, I guess I’m just going to have to learn! You’ll just have to teach me!”

“That sounds like more work than just doing it myself! If you really want to help out, maybe you can start wearing some of my dresses or something? I think your father is getting suspicious when you dress my body up like a slob!”

“Oh, hell no! I’m not wearing a dress! And Dad doesn’t care about what you wear; he doesn’t even notice. The reason he’s suspicious had nothing to do with the clothes I’m wearing while in your body, but we are absolutely NOT going to talk about THAT. And he can continue to be suspicious all he wants; I’m NOT going to convince him otherwise.”

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