It was the first Comic Con that my friends and I were attending after the Great Shift. I was the only one of my friends to find themselves in a different gender as a result of the Shift, and it’s something my friends the need to mock as we walked from the subway to the convention hall. Mostly, they were making fun of my costume, which was Chun Li, and suggested I should’ve worn her more revealing dress instead of pants.
I sighed and explained, “If I wore a dress, then I couldn’t do this.”
I proceeded to sprint several feet ahead of them (despite the high heels on my feet), briefly running up the side of a wall before doing a backflip into a handstand. I held the pose for several minutes while all their jaws dropped.
My choice of outfits wasn’t an accident. The body I had ended up in wasn’t just a woman; she was also athletic and an acrobat, and had all kinds of amazing skill that came with that. I learned that many of these moves were sort of baked into having her body, which meant I could do things I never dreamed was possible. Dressing as Chun Li was an obvious pick with this ability.
I didn’t care how much my lame guy friends teased me; my new body was awesome!
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