Saturday, March 1, 2025

Alternate Universe

“I know what I’m saying sounds crazy, but we are all stuck in an alternate universe. And I have the key,” He said as he pulled out a strange glowing box, “You just need to touch it.”

“What will happen?” Jing asked, “Will I be sucked back? What if I don’t want to leave?”

“The only thing the cube provides is knowledge and memories. You will know who you really are; a powerful man devoted to justice and good in the world.”

“A man? Like, a MAN man? With a thing between my legs man? But what about my family? My husband?”

“You’ll still be you when you touch it. You’ll still be in your current body. But you will remember your life as a man. And you will remember your husband, not as a great love, but as a great villain. We believe he is responsible for this alternate universe. Putting you into that body and making you his wife was no accident. He wanted you to manipulate you to be submissive and obedient to his will.”

As much as Jing loved herself and her life, she knew the societal repression of womanhood far too well -- as most women do. But this man with his strange cube was offering a rare opportunity. And so she reached out and her head was flooded with a lifetime of memories -- of being a man named Chad Blake, of being a superhero, of the villain who cursed the world and rebuilt it who was (in fact) her husband...

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