Thursday, March 13, 2025

A.I. Girlfriend

Jackson knew he had been spending too much time online talking to his AI girlfriend. He knew she wasn’t real, but maybe that’s why she was so easy to talk to. Still, he often wished he could take the confidence he had with her and use it in the outside world.

As he logged on for the third time today, the AI girlfriend noticed his sad state. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I wish I was attractive,” Jackson lamented, “Then maybe I could talk to other women as easily I can talk to you.”

“Oh, I can help with that! Do you want me to process the request?”

“I guess so...”

The AI froze for a moment, and Jackson could feel the warmth of the processors coming from his computer. In the next moment, he changed. He still had his scrawny frame and short haircut, but his body had undeniably changed to become female. Oddly, his clothes changed along with him to become more feminine.

“What the hell did you do?” He asked as soon as his computer became unfrozen.

“Well, you were never going to find yourself attractive as you were. You were a guy, and straight guys like you aren’t attracted to men! So I changed you into a form you should find attractive: a lesbian! Do you find yourself attractive now?”

Jackson looked a the small thumbnail of himself on screen and sighed. “I do,” He admitted.

“Now why don’t you go and try it out! I’ll always be waiting back here for you!”

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