“We should be out there with Heather and Angela looking for that damned thing!” Cody demanded.
“You can barely walk across the room wearing her boots, how do you think you’ll manage in a foot of snow?” Trey retorted, “I’m pretty sure Angela would kill you if you sprained her ankle or broke her leg or anything like that.”
“All of her boots have heels! She brought several dresses! And the ski suits certainly prioritize fashion over practicality. Did she not know we were going to SKI on a SKI TRIP!?”
“That’s just sort of who Angela is.”
Cody shook his head, “What the hell do you see in her, man?”
“Well, for starters, look in a mirror.” Trey smirked.
“I get that she’s hot. Your last four girlfriends have all been smokin’ hot. But you never have anything in common with any of them.”
“What can I say though? For whatever reason, I love her. And the only reason I’m not helping her and Heather look for that jackalope is because she was so sure that if you were left here by yourself that you’d go off searching and probably push Angela’s body too hard. I’d prefer it if you didn’t get yourself -- or Angela’s body -- killed simply because her body’s not used to exerting itself the way you are. I mean, I get that you and Heather think she’s shallow, but she can actually read people pretty accurately -- even if she is sometimes rude about it.”
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