Monday, February 17, 2025

Strike Twice

Elijah had been caught in the rainstorm and took cover under a bus shelter. It wasn’t doing much good as the shelter had three open sides and the wind was blowing hard. He pushed himself as far back as he could against the metallic wall of the shelter to try to stay dry.

He didn’t expect the lightning to be of any concern. But something strange happened when it hit the shelter. Elijah could feel the electricity pulse from the metal structure and into his body. But instead of being electrocuted, it felt like it was messing with the impulses in his brain.

A huge headache overcame him, and the next thing he knew, he was back out in the pouring rain. While his body was getting soaked, he couldn’t help but notice that it wasn’t his body. The lightning had somehow swapped him with another person -- a woman! Instead of running for cover this time, he quickly found the nearest metallic pole he could find and grabbed onto it. If the lightning was able to swap his body once, surely it could do it again!

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