Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Many people will talk about their Great Shift experiences, and some people will tell you they didn’t know they were in the wrong body until they stood up. Others said it was when they first went to the bathroom.

I’m convinced these people are liars.

I could tell from the second I opened my eyes. Hell, I think I knew even before I opened my eyes. A woman’s body just FEELS different. I imagine being in just about any different body from your own feels different, but I had the experience of being a man before the Shift and being a woman after -- and that clearly just FEELS different. It wasn’t anything specific either, more like a general sense of ennui. You still have a body, but there’s nothing that feels right about it anymore. The Great Shift made things like my distant memory of the rapid changes of puberty seem downright sluggish in comparison.

So, yeah, you notice things are wrong. People that say otherwise are liars.

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