“My turn again,” Aileen said as she tried to take the remote back.
“But I haven’t guessed yet! It’s supposed to be a game! I used this reality-changing remote to change something about your body; you had to guess what I changed. Then it was your turn, and I had to guess what you changed about me. I get that I lost a few times, so you were about to go again, but I haven’t guessed this round yet!” David protested.
“Well, your time is up, so it’s my turn again.”
“There’s no rules about time limits!”
“Well, we need to set one, because you’ve taken about 30 minutes on this round. I don’t think you’re going to get it.”
Aileen wasn’t sure where David had found this weird remote that could change things about people’s personalities and bodies without them even noticing, but she was loving this game he had asked her to play. He had used the first round to make Aileen bisexual. He thought he was being subtle, but she figured it out almost instantly.
Aileen had played the game a little smarter. The first round she simply made David really, really dumb. This made it impossible for him to reason out any changes to him. Since she won the round, she got to go again. Going for an extreme, she turned him into a woman. She was completely amused that he was still too dumb to figure it out. Getting to go yet again, she made sure he wasn’t just physically a woman, but that he would dress and act like one too! There was no way he was going to figure it out. She only wanted to get control of the remote back for one final change: To convince David to give up this game and retreat to the bedroom.
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