Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Town Meeting

Town meetings were typically boring affairs with low attendance, but after the Great Shift they became places to complain, meet, and vent. Brett had showed up to try to demand a solution or gripe about the fact that he was likely to lose his athletic scholarship now that he was a 40-year-old Asian woman verging on menopause. Of course, seeing the town’s chairman in the body of a 10-year-old made him think twice. People were certainly in much more awkward positions than he was.

But he did still have questions. He nervously raised his hand and the chairman noted, “The board recognizes Mrs. Park...or whoever is now inside Ellen Park’s body.”

“It’s Brett Wilkinson,” He said, “I guess I’m just curious when the stores plan on reopening. I think my mom and sister are getting sick and tired of me borrowing their outfits all the time.”

“We’re working on getting the stores to reopen, Mr. Wilkinson. Getting people back to work is a priority for the town. It can be difficult, particularly when a good number of people may have swapped into bodies that just aren’t able to do their previous jobs. Next question.”

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