Tuesday, October 8, 2024

PooPoo (Part 2)

View Part 1 of PooPoo.

When I confronted Putri about stealing my body, she pretending like she was me and that I was just “crazy little PooPoo.” When I tried to explain the body swapping to my now wife, she dismissed me just as quickly. I had to get used to the fact that I was now in the body of her little sister, a 19-year-old woman taking classes at the local college.

As I spent more time in Putri’s body, I came to learn why she hated it. She was constantly compared to her sister by her parents. They’d ask things like “Who can’t you be as smart Melati?” “Why can’t you dress pretty like Melati?” “Why can’t you find a husband like Melati?” Also, being called PooPoo all the time wasn’t exactly great for my self-esteem.

Despite the miserable time at home, I actually started to really enjoy my time on campus in Putri’s body. When not dealing with demotivating parents, Putri was a fun and quirky girl. I was a fun and quirky girl! I found every excuse to stay overnight in a friend’s dorm room, hit up extra hours at the library, and just avoid Putri’s home life in general. As the months went on, I actually found I enjoyed living her life.

One night, I snuck into a bar with a few friends (and a few fake IDs), and I couldn’t believe a guy actually bought me a beer! I gave him an awkward smile and blushed. I could tell Putri’s feminine hormones were reacting; the guy was hot, and I knew it. I was even more shocked when he came up to speak with me.

“I’m Brian,” He said seductively, “What’s your name?”

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