Tuesday, October 1, 2024


It was Scott’s first day at his first job since graduating college. He considered himself lucky, as many of his recently graduated friends were having much more trouble finding employment. He arrived to work early, and sat down and waited to meet with HR.

The woman arrived at 9:15. Her name was Linda, and Scott had met her during the interview process. He estimated she was around his mom’s age, but he knew it was rude to ask. She was talking him through various policies and procedures when a bright light shone through the windows of the office.

The next thing he knew, he was looking at his own face, which appeared frightened. He opened his mouth to speak and recognized Linda’s voice. As improbable as it was, the two had swapped bodies. And it seemed they weren’t the only ones. Walking around the office, they found it was true throughout the company. And as the news reports flooded in, people discovered the body swapping incident was true worldwide.

Scott was pretty devistated about being several decades older. He felt even worse about it when he hung out with his old friends. Because they had all been unemployed at the time, they had mostly been hanging out around each other, which also meant they swapped amongst themselves. He was the only one who swapped with someone significantly older; only because he was the only one lucky enough to have a job. But he didn’t feel so lucky now.

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