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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Theresa had to admit that she had never seem too many unattractive people on Exchane Island. It didn’t make much sense. Surely, that potential to be good-looking for a few weeks would draw a good number of ugly people, which would increase the chances of actually seeing someone unattractive.

About midway through the week, she did spy a gangly woman with thick bushy eyebrows and an overbite. Surely, this woman had answers. She first asked about who she really was.

“My name is Enrique, and I’m actually a professional body builder,” The gangly woman answered, “I usually spend my time on the other side of the island, but it’s probably good is Carol sees her body at least once on her trip. People sometimes freak out if they don’t.”

“Other side of the island?” Theresa asked.

Enrique sighed, realizing he probably already said too much, “Look, we’re not supposed to talk about it, but there’s no rule against telling you. The resort hires a bunch of attractive people to swap with the uglies on this side. We get pretty paid well too!”

“My original body is not ugly!” Theresa objected.

“Have you seen it more than on on this trip? No, right? Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, yes, your original body must be totally ugly. That’s just the way it works...”

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