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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Fly

It didn’t take long for Seth to realize his teleportation machine had screwed up. There was another organism inside the machine with him during the test -- a fly. And judging from his transformed gender as well -- a female fly, in particular. But he was sure he could reverse the process and separate his human DNA from the fly’s. He just needed to concentrate.

But concentration was difficult to achieve. While his human instincts wanted to focus on the problem, the fly parts of him were easily distracted. He found himself drawn to a light in his basement for several hours; he did nothing but just stare at it, occasionally touching it. And then he smelt something.

He head jerked around in a distinctively insectoid manner. The smell was so good. He wandered upstairs to his cupboard to locate a large bag of sugar. He ate it all in one sitting and still wanted more. His nose picked up another sweet smell, and this time he began pouring out the garbage and eating it.

There was a part of him that was still telling him that eating garbage was gross; it made him want to vomit. But the other part of him seemed to welcome the idea of vomiting as part of this magnificent feast, and that this might be the perfect place to start laying some eggs.

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