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Monday, September 23, 2024

Taken Out

Ted was sending off an email to work from his home computer when he saw a flash of light and a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. He ran in to see his wife on the floor picking up tonight’s dinner off the floor.

“I guess we’re getting take-out tonight,” Ted joked trying to make light of the situation.

“I’m sorry, but...who are you?” His wife said.

“Oh, come on, Katy, that’s not funny.”

“Katy? No, I’m serious. One minute I’m studying in the library, and the next minute I’m in this kitchen fumbling with this bowl of pasta. I wasn’t exactly expecting it, so I dropped it. Is this your kitchen? Sorry for making a mess.”

“What are you talking about Katy? We’re married! You’re my wife!”

“Wife? No way, Dude! I’m nobody’s wife! I’m an 18 year old college student! And a guy! My name is Jake! And I’m not a woman!” Jake looked down at his body, “Well, I wasn’t a woman! But, for real, I’m not your wife! Even if I guess I look like her -- or I’m in her body -- for the moment.”

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