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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Some Advice

“Are you...are you hitting on me?” Brianna was struggling to not laugh in response, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s sort of cute, I guess, but did you think you had any sort of chance? I mean, I get that before the Shift, you were probably a guy right?”

“Yeah,” Brett mumbled as he nodded.

“It shows in your frumpy wardrobe choices. And, so, let me give you some advice. I’m a woman, and I’ve always been a woman. I’m not a lesbian either. But I’ve hit by plenty of guys like you since the Great Shift happened. They all still want to hit on women, but only, like, girlie women, you know? And yet they’re all frumpy like you. So here’s my advice: Put on a dress, get dolled up in makeup, throw on some high heels. You’ll find plenty of guys stuck in women’s bodies ready to throw themselves at you. You’ll get your lesbian relationship, and you’ll probably have your pick of them. But keep going after women like me? Eh, I just doubt you’ll have much luck.”

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