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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Single Dad

Grant had been having a hard time since his wife died. Not only was he dealing with the loss, but he also had to be a single parent for his young daughter as well -- she was barely old enough to understand what had happened. He often wished there could be a female role model in his daughter’s life, and that he could connect with her better.

One morning he got his wish in a way he never would have imagined. Waking up as a woman was a shock, but Grant told himself he could deal with it -- and, in fact, he nearly burst into tears when his daughter called him “Mommy.” Hearing that gave him the confidence that he could deal with being a different gender.

But that wasn’t the full extent of the wish’s consequences. Grant soon found himself unable to resist any request from his daughter. Candy for breakfast? Of course! Time to go to work? Grant had to put on the “princess clothes” his daughter wanted him to wear. At least he was able to drop he off at daycare without her objecting!

Still, as he walked down the street to his job, he felt absolutely silly in this outfit. Surely, no one would take him seriously at the sparkle division of the unicorn investment firm where he worked looking like this!

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