Sunday, September 29, 2024

Retro Gamer (Part 1)

The video game had seemed to be downloaded onto Alan’s system without warning. Figuring it was just some sort of freebee, he decided to give it a shot. The whole thing was in Japanese, and seemed to be a retro throwback to the 8-bit era. He didn’t recognize it (and he considered himself a bit of an expert), but he’d describe it as kind of a rip-off of Mario except with a female character. It wasn’t great, but he found himself sucked into the experience.

After playing a few worlds, that experience would become quite literal. The game froze. His system wouldn’t reboot; even his television wouldn’t turn off. And then he felt a pulling. He realized he was being sucked into the television -- no, more specifically, he was being pulled into the game. And as it happened, he began to take on the appearance of the main character. He wore her pink dress and his hair grew out. He became feminine and even found his body become pixelated.

As he looked at the daunting world before him, there was a feeling inside him that told him the only way to escape was to win...

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