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Monday, September 9, 2024

Pointing Out the Paradox

The woman appeared in a flash of light in Jin’s garage. She appeared to have a human face with many robots parts. Was she an android? A cyborg?

“Your invention. Have you turned it on yet?” She asked.

“I mean, yeah. But it’s still warming up,” Jin replied.

“We need to destroy it.”

“Wait, how do you even know about my invention? I haven’t told anyone.”

“I’m from the future. And if we don’t destroy it now, it will bring all sorts of pain to humanity.”

“Oh, come on! This’ll do good in the world.”

“It does, until powerful people corrupt it. We need to destroy it now.”

“And why should I believe you?”

“Because I AM you.”

“Oh, come on, you’re a chick!”

“Biological and technological replacement parts are quite limited in the future. I took what I could get to survive for the past 500 years! But your wasting time; we need to destroy your machine now, and then hopefully I will just blink out of existence.”

“If we succeeded in doing that, wouldn’t that have prevented you from showing up in the first place?”

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