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Saturday, September 21, 2024

On the Top

Dante had a laundry list of complaints about the Great Shift and the body he ended up in. While dealing with the fact that he was now a woman was probably high on the list, it certainly wasn’t on the top.

No, for sure, the worst part for him was going from a height of over seven feet tall to his new female body that was a petite five feet. The height difference was rearranging his life much more than his new gender.

His entire perspective was different. He’d have to look up at things he’d previous look down on. He had no choice but to adopt this woman’s wardrobe as his own clothes were simply much too big now. Even things like his kitchen now proved to be a problem. Things he had kept up on a high shelf before were now completely out of reach. It’s not like he owned a stepstool either! After all, when did he ever need one before?

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