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Sunday, September 22, 2024


Cho was alone at the bus stop on a rainy night. The bus was running at least ten minutes late, which was not all that surprising given the rain. Eventually, a man approached.

“Do you know when the next bus will arrive?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” Cho said shyly, “It’s already late.”

He looked down the dark road. There was no bus in sight; there were no cars either. Then he looked at Cho. Seeing the way he looked at her, she wanted to run or hide. But there was nowhere to go. Her only hope was that the bus would come soon.

It didn’t.

The man let out a shrill sound and grabbed Cho’s shoulders. She was frozen and couldn’t move. She wanted to scream, but when she opened her mouth an odd light came from the man’s mouth and entered hers. She couldn’t scream, and it felt like something was beng sucked out of her. She soon passed out.

She awoke on the bus stop bench sometime later with the rain pouring over here. Something was terribly wrong as she looked down to see two very manly hands that were now hers. She found a note in one of the pockets that read, “Sorry for stealing your body. I know I will enjoy it, however. Have fun with my miserable life.” The man had somehow stolen her body!

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