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Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Captain Lewis Cook had no clue what was going on. One second, it felt like the sun was blinding his vision from the cockpit (despite the sun being behind them), the next he was in the back of the plane. He realized he was the body of Mandy, one of the flight attendants on board. But if he was in her body, that meant someone else was in his body; and it was likely whoever that someone else might be, they probably were not a pilot.

As such, he began to make a mad dash to the front of the plane. Many confused passengers were trying to stop him along the way, complaining about being in the wrong body as well.

Sure enough, the person now inside his body (and the one inside the co-pilot’s body) were also confused about the body swap, as it seemed was whoever was in the body of the air traffic controller on the ground.

Thinking quick, Lewis knew the best plan was to probably make an emergency landing. There was an abandoned landing strip not far away. Technically, it was too short for the airplane he was flying, but it would also reduce the risk from a collision from any other landing planes. Within moments, they were descending and eventually making a safe but rough landing.

In the days to follow, Lewis was hailed as a hero for safely landing the plane in the midst of the Great Shift; whereas many others weren’t so lucky...

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