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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Todd didn’t know how the app got installed on his phone, but the fact that it could swap body parts, personality traits, or just about anything else was far too entertaining. It would probably cause chaos if anyone else noticed, but it seemed that Todd was the only one who noticed the changes. Eventually, he decided to try to bring his friend Brian along for the fun.

It seemed that as long as both he and Brian touched the phone at the same time, they could both notice the changes. And together, they caused all sorts of swaps in the mall for hours.

But then Todd had an evil idea. He aimed the phone at a couple kissing on a bench, intending to swap their bodies. But while he kept the woman as a target, he secretly switched the other person from her boyfriend to Brian. When Brian touched the phone so he could be aware of the swap, he suddenly found himself in the woman’s body while his own body was now sitting on the bench making out with the woman’s boyfriend.

“What the hell, man!?” Brian shouting as Todd broke out laughing. Brian grabbed for the phone, but Todd wouldn’t let go.

The struggle began to cause all sorts of other swaps. One of the swaps caused Brian to switch races with an Asian man, and another resulted in both Todd and Brian to swap clothes with manequins from a couture dress store. This was when Todd realized how dangerous this app could be. If they could swap clothes with mannnequins, what if they had swapped something more consequential? In his moment of concern, Brian had managed to wrestle the phone out of Todd’s hands. However, Brian noticed his body had long gone. So with the possibility of getting back to normal out of the question, he looked toward Todd with the idea of getting revenge instead.

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