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Monday, September 2, 2024


Chris felt pretty awkward after the Great Shift. He found himself at the mall and inside the body of a young woman. According to her out of state ID, she was nineteen, so he guessed she went to the local college. People were pairing off with the person they swapped with, so he figured he should try to get home to find speak with the person inside his body.

He was quite taken aback when an older woman approached him with a simple introduction, “So, like, that’s my body.”

“What?” Chris asked.

“So, you’re me, and I’m you. We are stuck in each other’s bodies, blah, blah, blah...I want my body back.”

“I don’t think there’s a way to swap back. I don’t know how we swapped in the first place,” He said as a part of him wondered if this woman was just trying to lay claim to a younger body.

“No, there’s like totally a machine at the university that can do it! I’m sure a lot of people will be rushing there once they know about it; we can beat the rush.”

“Well, hold on. Even IF this is your are most certainly NOT in my body. While I didn’t want to be stuck in this body...I really don’t want to be stuck in THAT body.”

The woman seemed annoyed before admitting, “Fair.” And then she added, “So let’s get your body THEN will go to the university to swap back. I just hope we’re not too late...”

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