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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Back in Time for Breakfast

In the days after the Great Shift, Ava had been worried about her brother Mattias. He was the only one she cared about that she hadn’t heard from. For weeks, she feared the worst. Ultimately, she was surpried to hear from him via email. It turned out he had swapped into a woman’s body halfway across the world in the Middle East. Trying to explain who he really was turned out to be a chore due to language differences and a good number of woman trying to use the Shift as a reason to leave their husbands.

Getting back to the states took several more weeks, but Ava was there to pick him up at the airport first thing in the morning. When Matias mentioned he was hungry, she brought him to a diner. He proceded to order a beer and an excessive amount of bacon.

After chomping on a piece of bacon and taking a swig of beer, he looked over to his sister. “Thank you,” He said, “I know it’s a little early for booze, but they just don’t have this over there! And I can’t wait to go shopping for some clothes and ditch these outfits. Maybe we can go together? Bring mom and dad? It’s going to be so weird seeing them in new bodies, especially since they are no older than us now, right?”

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