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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Long Time

Bill was only supposed to be in this body for a few minutes. He and the young woman he switched with had volunteered to test the machine. But before they could swap back, the fire alarm went off. Everyone picked up their coats and evacuated with Bill an the woman remembering to switch coats once they got outside.

As they waited for the fire department, the fire got worse. Everyone was worried, but (for obvious reason) Bill and the woman were particularly so. And then the explosions started. Everyone ran to get as far away as possible.

Bill lost track of most of the scientists and the woman he swapped with. He didn’t know anything about her; he hadn’t even asked her name! He didn’t expct to be stuck like this! And considering the size and amount of explosions, he was pretty sure he was going to be stuck like this for a long time.

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