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Saturday, September 14, 2024


Today we are reviewing footage from Test Subject 429-B. Given the results of earlier test 414-A, this time we ensured all sharp objects in the room have been removed. As you can observe, the initial reactions of the test subject upon waking up the chair in a body different from their own is a state of panic. This has been nearly universal in all of our cross-gender body swap experiments with only about 2% not displaying such a reaction. The remaining 2% display an instant outward sense of curiosity.

Now, the reason we are observing this subject today is the period after the panic. Once he realizes he is a woman, he proceeds to get quite angry. When he discovers his new body is not as strong as his previous one, this only makes him angrier.

...And yet, it doesn’t last. Despite the period of anger, he too eventually falls into a previous of curiosity where the new body is sufficiently explored and ultimately enjoyed.

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