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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Farmhouse (Part 7)

View Part 1 of The Farmhouse.
View Part 2 of The Farmhouse.
View Part 3 of The Farmhouse.
View Part 4 of The Farmhouse.
View Part 5 of The Farmhouse.
View Part 6 of The Farmhouse.

My sister soon activated the chamber and I once again found myself in a new body. This new form felt even better, and I knew I had to thank her. My sister dismissed my gratitude and just wanted to be back in her own body.

The woman currently inside my sister’s body was swearing loudly right about now. I could only imagine how mad she was going to get in a minute when she ends up in my body.

And, sure enough, once I activated the machine to restore my sister to her original body, leaving the woman she had brought now trapped in my body, there was more yelling and banging. But then there was silence.

I consulted with my sister, and we decided we’d have to risk opening up the chamber to let her out. As we opened the door, my body tumbled out with a huge bloody gash on the head. We didn’t know if the woman had done it by accident or if she had simply been so distraught when she found herself in my body that she had intentionally inflicted the injury upon herself. Either way, we were quickly rushing to the hospital.

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