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Friday, August 16, 2024


Paul took only a few seconds to react. He still couldn’t believe he and his girlfriend had just struck by lightning while running home after getting caught in the rain; and even more unbelievable was that the strike seemed to have caused them to swap bodies.

He immediately wrapped his arms around his former body. “I can’t believe it, Jenny. I can’t believe we’ve swapped bodies!” He cried with tears rolling down his cheeks indistriguishable from the falling rain, “But it’s okay. I can live with this. As long as we stay together, okay? Just stay with me, please! We can stay a couple, right?”

“It’ll all be okay,” His old body said flatly, “Of course we can stay a couple.” George honestly had no idea who Jenny was or whose body he was now in either. All he could think about right now was that there was a hot, soaking wet chick in front of him asking to be a couple. George had never had a girlfriend before, despite being almost 30, and he wasn’t about to turn one down, particularly a hot one. Sure, the circumstances were a little strange, but maybe he could at least get some before this hottie figures out that he’s not actually Jenny.

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