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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Still a Game

Pierre had been playing the new role playing game on his computer for 24 hours straight. He knew he should take a break or sleep, but he just couldn’t stop. It was just too good. He often found himself imagining he was inside the game. A few hours later and it felt like the lack of sleep was getting to him; he could swear the surroundings of the game were actually becoming real.

Now he was sure he was dreaming. The walls of the game’s old castle were so lifelike and surrounding him. He picked up a sword; the cold metal felt so realistic and heavy. Then he went to look at himself in the mirror. Instead of the male barbarian he had designed, he was a dainty half-elf princess! He could only vaguely remember her character in the game; she had a quest where she whined about being forced to marry some lord that he ignored. He tried to force himself awake, but it didn’t work. He tried to see if he could will his form to change; he couldn’t.

And then he heard conversations on the other side of the door about bringing him down for the wedding; there was no way in hell Pierre was going to marry anyone, not in a dream and not in a game. But it was still a game, wasn’t it? Suddenly, he looked at the sword in his hand and smiled. What’s a role playing game without some senseless killing of NPCs?

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