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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Single Mom (Part 3)

View Part 1 of Single Mom.
View Part 2 of Single Mom.

“Where the hell is she?” Evan muttered as he once again found himself waiting for Christine.

He had dropped her daughter off at daycare, and the plan was to now meet up before Christine had to go to work. Evan realized he couldn’t wait much longer. If he did, Christine would be late. He thought that maybe it would serve her right for not showing up time and time again, but he also know he couldn’t do that to her daughter.

And so, begrudgingly, he left and headed to her office. Evan knew he had no idea how to do her job, but he hoped he could at least wing it for the day. In the meantime, his texts to Christine were getting more and more frustrated. And yet responses were getting more and more sparse. He tried demanding that Christine show up at the office so they could swap back over lunch or the afternoon coffee break. He even finally tried making an actual phone call, which of course went straight to voicemail.

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