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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Just One Drink

It was his first college party, and Warren told himself he’d have just one drink. Well, it seems no one told him that the drinks were part of some sort of twisted party game and were spiked with that new body swapping drug that was going around. You basically ended up swapping bodies with someone who drank from the same batch as you did; and Warren ended up swapping bodies with Katie.

Since it was a drinking game, the objective was to get people as drunk as posible. Basically, you kept taking shots to try and match with your own body again. If you did, you’d get your body back; but it was much more likely you’d swap with someone else and be forced to keep drinking.

Warren tried to examine the colors of the drinks to find two that matched exactly as Katie simply downed another drink. He looked at her suspiciously.

“You know we won’t swap back unless I drink as well, right?” He asked.

But the swap had already happened, and it was no longer Katie inside his body.

“I’m just here to get drunk, Babe. Or maybe hook up...if you’re interested,” Whoever was now in Warren’s body said.

“ thanks.” Warren said as he went back to studying the drinks.

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