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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Help a Guy Out

Ricardo approached the beautiful blonde woman in the bar with his usual swagger and confidence. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked.

“Uh,” The blonde woman stammered, “You can. But I feel like I should be upfront about this. I am NOT a lesbian.”

“It’s cool. It’s cool. Neither am I. This sitch with the body is just a...temporary condition.”

“So you’re trans? You were born female and getting surgery or something to become a guy?”

“Naw. I did this body swapping experiment at the university. I’m just stuck in this body for a few months, but I’m actually a completely normal, totally straight guy.”

“You’re a straight cismale who voluntarily agreed to swap bodies with a woman? That doesn’t add up.”

“The swap was random with another participant. I didn’t know who I’d swap with until it actually happened. But I gotta be honest that this swap has killed my game, and it’s got me frustrated because I’m still a dude inside here, Baby. Help a guy out, come on.”

With being called “Baby,” the blonde woman decided she’s indulged Richardo enough. She threw a drink in his face and simply walked away.

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