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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Handle This

“It’s simple, Dude, we pivot,” Chase explained.

“Pivot to what?” Angela replied, “And don’t call me ‘Dude.’”

“There’s a new need, right? I mean, this Great Shift thing that just happened; we’re all mixed up. You’re stuck in the body of Chad from marketing. I’m trapped in the body of Amisha from accounting. None of us want this. It’s only been a few hours and everyone is going crazy. So we simply solve the problem and find a solution to swapping everyone back to normal.” “And just how do you plan to do that?” “There’s got to be some sort of codable solution. It’s just a matter of figuring out the original trigger and reversing it.” “I know you’re good with code, but I think that’s more than you can handle.” “No, being stuck in the body of a 50 year old Indian woman is more than I can handle. But this code? I got this.”

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