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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Five Years

Five years. Austin had been trapped in Wei’s body for five years. It was supposed to be twelve hours, but then Wei claimed to have lost the medallion that had swapped their bodies. Austin was always suspicious of her explanation, but he never had proof.

He was always focused on swapping back. It had taken a long time and a lot of searching, but one day a listing on eBay gave him hope. It was for “The Medallion of Zulu: A magical body swapping charm,” and the photos sure looked like the thing that caused him to swap bodies with Wei. The comments were mostly mocking the idea, but Austin reached out to the seller directly. This was probably a good thing, as it was taken down for “fraud” before the actual auction expired.

A few messages, a PayPal payment, and a short ship time later, the medallion was now in Austin possession. Meanwhile, a few emails to Wei went unanswered. Austin knew he would have to be sneaky if he wanted his body back. He fortunately somewhat knew Wei’s routine since she took over his life. He could ambush her and press the medallion to her, and they’d swapback to normal. Finally. But he also knew he had to be sneaky. If she knew he was coming, he was sure she would run as fast as she could in the other direction.

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