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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fire Escape

“Crap!” Wilson exclaimed, “Our research! The machine! We need to save it!”

“Don’t forget that Crystal’s brain and my body are in that blaze, too!” Roger added, “But there’s no way we can put that out! We need to get out of here!”

“But then you’ll be stuck in her body forever!”

“There is no way she is alive in there. I’d rather be stuck in her body than dead! And if we hope to ever recreate that body swapping machine, I need you to not get roasted by that fire either, so come on!”

“Fine!” Wilson finally relented as he turned away from the flames. He didn’t understand it. The lab had fire suppression systems. There was no reason for this to happen. It made no sense...unless....No. It seemed impossible. Could Roger have sabotaged it on purpose to keep Crystal’s body?

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