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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Family Swap

“Where the hell is Sarah? I thought we were meeting as a family to discuss this?” Ryan asked his parents.

“Your sister is in her room. She’s crying. Understandably, she’s very upset about swapping into your father’s body. It’s hard for her to adjust being a different gender and older,” Maria tried to explain to her son.

“It’s hard for HER to adjust? How do you think I’m doing in your body? And yet I’m here ready to discuss what we’re going to do about this whole mess! And Dad’s here in her body doing his best. He just ran three miles to keep up with her insane fitness routine because she insists on him keeping her body fit.”

“It wasn’t so bad,” Enrique interjected, “Your sister is quite athletic and able...”

“That’s not the point, Dad! The point is that we’re all here trying to solve this problem while she’s just crying about it!”

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