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Friday, August 2, 2024

Customer Service

Gabe had called up the customer service line and navigated through a robot voice and waited for over an hour before finally being able to speak with a human being.

He explained what was going on, and the woman replied, “I can help you with that.”

In the next moment, Gabe found himself on the other side of the phone call behind a computer at a call center and inside the body of the customer service agent.

“What the hell is going on here?” Gabe shouted.

“Sir, I am willing to help with your problem, but I cannot continue with this call if you insist on using profanity,” Gabe heard his voice on the other side of the line say.

“I don’t care about getting help anymore. I just want my goddamn body back!” The other side of the line went silent before Gabe could hear a dial tone on the other end. “Hello!? Hello!?” He shouted to no avail.

He attepted to call back, but outbound calls seemed to be blocked. For the time being, it seems that he was stuck in this woman’s body. And he absolutely hated it. The long nails made it difficult to do anything. He hated how long his hair was and how plump his body felt. A strong sickening scent of sweet purfume followed him wherever he went. He needed to figure out a way to escape this living hell.

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