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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Are You Alright?

After the flash of light, the first thing I remembered was hearing my wife screaming. “Gerald! Gerald! Are you alright?” She asked.

Her voice sounded distant and it didn’t seem to be getting any closer, so I shouted back, “I’m over here.”

I could tell my voice seemed strange and my head was throbbing. I tried rubbing my scalp to help deal with the pain. I could feel a strange fluffiness that I didn’t realize at the time was additional hair.

It took a while for my other senses to come back to me. I’d turn around to see my wife helping another man to his feet -- a man seemed to look like me. I’d learn that other man was actually my body; I had swapped into a woman’s body a few feet away. Most people in the world swapped bodies with someone else in that moment, leaving a few people unaffected -- like my very confused wife.

I was probably a little more fortunate than most that day. Though it still took a while for me to adapt to becoming a woman, I eventually adjusted. I think my wife took it harder than I did, but she got used to it as well...

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