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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Already Doing This

“I appreciated the tutoring, Professor Willis, I really did, but I honestly wasn’t retaining any of it. But magic? I’m really good at magic!” Yumie explained.

“You used magic to swap our bodies? But magic isn’t real!” Doug Willis protested.

“You’re like a science guy, right? What does the evidence say?”

Doug sighed. She was right.

Yumie continued, “Anyway, it’s simple. You just take my final as me. You’ll pass for sure; you wrote it! Then we’ll switch back.”

“But that’s cheating!”

“Fine by me. Fail the test, flunk out of college, and go back to explain it all to my parents. Meanwhile, I’ll only have to live your life long enough to use my magic to steal someone else’s life! I think I’d try to take Emily’s body. She is so stuck up.”“You can’t do this!”“I’m already doing this!”

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