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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Welcome to the Year 3356

“Please, if you’ll allow me to explain,” The nebbish man at the computer explained, “I’m a historian. My team brought you to the present -- or the future as you would see it -- so we could learn more about your time.”

“But why the hell would you turn me into a woman?” Scott exclaimed.

“Only thoughts travel through the time vortex, not physical matter. We needed a host for you to inhabit once you get here. We can’t turn down volunteers who donate their bodies as hosts. And our selection of plucking people from the past is limited. We know little more than an approximate time we pulled you from and that your removal wouldn’t have any major consequences for the timeline. Speaking of which, would you mind telling me the exact year you were previously in?”

“2024.” Scott paused, “Removal? Aren’t you going to send me back once you’re done asking questions or whatever it is you do?”

“I’m afraid the time vortex is a one way trip.Welcome to the year 3356.”

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