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Monday, July 15, 2024

The Potion in the Attic (Part 1)

Tony’s parents were pleasantly surprised when their son gave them an unexpected visit on a Thursday night. They lived about two hours away from where he went to college, but it was still a rare treat. Of course, Tony had an ulterior motive for the visit; there was a big party at his frat house tomorrow night, and he and the rest of the guys needed to find as much liquor as possible.

When Tony’s parents went to bed, he went to the liquor cabinet, but he found it was empty. Not convinced his parents would throw it all away, he began to explore the basement and then the attic. Finally, inside a box he found several bottles with liquids inside. They certainly weren’t the brands he remembered -- heck, they weren’t labeled at all -- but he was desperate.

He popped a cork to take a whiff. It had a slight boozy smell, so he took a swig. It was gross, but was it alcohol? He drank a little more, and he started to feel...something. But it wasn’t the feeling of getting drunk. It started as a sickness in the pit of his stomach. Then it got painful. It felt like his insides were rearranging -- that’s because they were -- and the pain soon spread to the outside as well. When the pain ended, he could immediately realize the changes. He had become softer and smaller. His chest had puffed out and his crotch had inversed. He still mostly looked like himself, but this weird liquid had turned him into a female vesion of himself!

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