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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Talented Young Apprentice

“Well, this is very unusual,” The old man mused, “Not only did you find my shoppe again, but you are here to thank me for your purchase? And yet you seem to lucid and aware of everything that happened to you? Were you not bothered by transforming into a woman?”

Jason shrugged, “Why would I be? There’s nothing wrong with being a woman; I quite prefer it. And unlike most of your customers, I actually sought you out. The reputation of Spell’R’Us is legendary. But the really big difference is that I’m not some novice. I may have hidden it from you when we first met, but magic practically runs in my blood. I could simply split the elements of the magic apart -- let myself become female without also becoming some dumb bimbo.”

“But...the magic cannot be destroyed. The bimbo part -- the stupidity -- it had to go somewhere.”

“Oh, it did. And I’m sure you might be feeling a little It’s not usual for someone even a fraction of your age. What are you now? A thousand? Two? A little dimentia is probably long overdue...”

“Why you little, cun---”

“Talented young apprentice? I surely am. And I will happily assist you in your shop as your mind slowly fades from you, and take it over when you retire, which you should consider sooner rather than later, to enjoy the time you have left...”

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