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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Swapping Day

Everyone on the planet knew the day was coming, but not many people looked forward to it: Swapping Day. Every five years, a mandatory body swap was triggered, and everyone swapped bodies with someone else. In the distant past, it had been possible to swap bodies with anyone, but in the last hundred years or so, there were limits put in place. You’d end up as someone around your own age (within three months or so) some as someone with a similar level of health. Everything else was fair game. Zaiden would learn that last bit after today’s swap, and he wasn’t exactly happy about it. In the previous four swaps, he had always swapped with another guy, but now he was a woman for the first time. He couldn’t believe he was going to be stuck as a woman for the next five years!

Everyone on the planet knew the day was coming, but not many people looked forward to it: Swapping Day. Every five years, a mandatory body swap was triggered, and everyone swapped bodies with someone else. In the distant past, it had been possible to swap bodies with anyone, but in the last hundred years or so, there were limits put in place. You’d end up as someone around your own age (within three months or so) some as someone with a similar level of health. Everything else was fair game.

Zaiden would learn that last bit after today’s swap, and he wasn’t exactly happy about it. In the previous four swaps, he had always swapped with another guy, but now he was a woman for the first time. He couldn’t believe he was going to be stuck as a woman for the next five years!

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